Discover the advantages of the aquabike

Default - 28 11 2019


Aquabike: definition and benefits

Definition of the aquabike

Aquabike is defined as a sport and aquatic discipline that is practiced with a bicycle that resembles a house bike. The device is placed inside the pool and its attachment system is established at the bottom of the pool. The activity is not limited to pedalling in the water. Several exercises can be performed thanks to the speed variation of the bike and the inclination position. The practitioner can simulate downhill or uphill positions to strengthen the muscles. Anyone can practice aquabike, especially people in rehabilitation period or those who follow sports diets wanting to avoid micro-traumatisms. This sport is also for those who want to preserve the joints. No contraindications are noted except for individuals with respiratory or cardiac concerns. A doctor's opinion is indispensable in this case.

The various benefits of aquabike

When aquabike, it is important to keep a semi-submerged position in order to guarantee an energy and caloric expenditure 10 times more than a classic cycling session in the apartment. By respecting this position, the effect of the aquabike is immediate:

  • It favors the loss of weight
  • It sculpts the body : from the leg to the abdomen to the back.
  • Its massaging power reduces cellulite and the orange peel effect. (A major advantage for women).
  • The effort provided during the session allows to remove toxins concentrated in the body. The hydromassage eliminates fatigue and makes the blood circulate correctly in the body.
  • It consolidates the work of the heart.

When I tested the aquabike, I was convinced by its positive effect on the muscles of the body. The next day, I felt no soreness in my muscles.

Where and how to practice Aquabike?

Coaches give group lessons for beginners in sports centres. Their goal is to initiate the right posture to adopt during the sessions. These coaches also offer advice on how to reach the respective objects of each practitioner. The cost of the classes is about 15€ for a 45min session. However, this price may change depending on the sports center. Once the basic techniques are acquired, aquabike becomes child's play. In addition, the equipment used is now cheaper to motivate you to do a few sessions at your own pace. Our shop offers you a large choice of aquabikes at very attractive prices. Our equipment with their accessories are for all types of users. You can find elliptical bikes and treadmills at the best prices.

Here are some examples of positions you could adopt :

  • Exercise 1: You are in a sitting position. Place your arms at the bottom of the handlebars and position your buttocks well forward to firm up your thighs, and backward to firm up your buttocks.
  • Exercise 2: You stand up like a dancer. Place your arms at the top of the handlebar and position your buttocks well forward to tighten your thighs. If you want to work the buttocks, place the buttocks backwards.
  • Exercise 3: To strengthen your thighs, put your hands on the handlebar and pedal between the saddle and the handlebar.

Test the aquabike to benefit from its benefits! And enjoy a summer with your feet in the water.

Your faithful advisor, Jade

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